Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Aesthetic Test

Here is an example of how my film will look when all is said and done!

I have changed Dumpling's colors a bit. Apparently, some people have trouble reading her as a pug dog. It was suggested that I play with the color of her muzzle and ears. what do you think? More readable this way???


Anonymous said...

Hey Shannon!
This is so cool my friend, really awesome! I can't wait to see the film, how exciting for you. Hope all is going well, take care,

Texan Zombie Goddess said...

Hi Shannon :). I found you off of Julian's blog and figured I'd take a gander at your work. Your animations are *amazing*! My 10 year old daughter loves drawing anime and is big on making flip books right now. I am going to share her work with you so she can see where hard work can really take you!

Have a great weekend!

Penny \IiiI
Texas Zombie Girl